

The Workforce and Economic Development Network of Pennsylvania (WEDnetPA) brings training funds to qualified companies across the Commonwealth. The goal of WEDnetPA is to strengthen the business environment of the Commonwealth by helping companies improve the skills and productivity of Pennsylvania workers.

Funding for this program is provided by a state appropriation through the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED).

WEDnetPA offers a program to give qualified in-state businesses and out-of-state companies relocating to the economic-friendly business climate of Pennsylvania the opportunity to train new and existing employees.

The keystone of the WEDnetPA program is its ability to be responsive to the needs of Pennsylvania’s business community through a flexible and easy-to-use system. An important element of this system is that businesses determine their own training needs and can select among various training providers (the WEDnetPA partners, third-party providers or in-house staff) as well as delivery options (on-site, off-site, online).

Program Guidelines

This represents an overview of the program guidelines. Please consult a WEDnetPA partner for additional information and eligibility requirements. You can view the current WEDnetPA Company Guidelines at: www.wednetpa.com.

A Wide Range of Work Skills

The goal of WEDnetPA is to help companies acquire the training their employees need most. Our partners can help you conduct an assessment and develop a training plan to meet those needs. Training can be done offsite, onsite at your company, or online. Any private-sector trainer, and WEDnetPA partner or your qualified in-house staff can conduct the training. Eligible training topics include, but are not limited to:

Health and Science
Workplace Behavioral Skills
Computer Operation
Manufacturing Fundamentals
Software Implementation
Workplace Health and Safety
Business Operations
Machine Operation and Maintenenance

Quick Facts

The WEDnetPA process requires only one application, training plan, and contract.

Training funds are available up to $2000 per eligible employee (not to exceed $100,000 per eligible fiscal year).

WEDnetPA is employer-driven. You choose the traning, the trainer, and the training method.

Our application process is as easy as 1,2,3


Apply – Submit an online inquiry at www.wednetpa.com. When eligibility is confirmed, complete the online application and training plan to request funds.



Train – When your application is approved, you can begin training.



Invoice – When the training is completed, submit your documentation within 45 days and you will be reimbursed for eligible costs.


Want to Learn More?

For assistance contact CJ Ezell at 717-477-1123 x3381 or cjezel@ship.edu
