Does Shippensburg University offer online degrees?

Our university offers online graduate degrees and certificate programs, which can be found in our Program Finder. Currently we do not offer any fully online undergraduate degrees, although we do have an array of online course options during Summer and Winter terms.

Can I take online or for-credit classes at Shippensburg university, even if I’m not a student?

Yes! Shippensburg University offers an array of courses designed to be useful to everyone, not only our traditional undergraduate students. Our for-credit classes and certificate programs can be found on the Program Finder.

In order to be able to register for any of our for-credit classes, you will need to be enrolled as a Non-degree/Visiting Student.

Does Shippensburg University offer a GED course or exam?

While we do offer a helpful Online GED Exam Prep Course, we do not have any in-person GED prep courses, and we do not offer the GED exam at our university. Locally, you can contact the Lincoln Intermediate Unit for GED Prep classes, www.iu12.org.

What if I can’t find the course I want?

While Shippensburg University tries to offer as many courses as possible, there are inevitably times when there might be a course we don’t have. If you can’t find a course you want using the menu or the search bar, then please fill out our Professional Development Interest Form if you are an individual, or our Employer Interest Form if you are an employer.

We will make sure to point you in the right direction if the class exists. If it doesn’t, then don’t worry. Our office is rapidly growing, and we are frequently in the process of developing new programs. We will take your feedback into consideration. If we develop the course you were looking for, then we contact you to let you know when it becomes available.

What if I have question about my Non-Degree/Visiting Student application?

If you want to check your application status or if you have any questions about the application itself, please contact our admissions office at admissions@ship.edu or 717-477-1231.